Monday, 30 December 2013

Collect Fees the Smart, Accurate and Faster Way Online

Smooth running and management of every activity is what every school looks for. Management of fees is one of the most challenging tasks; miscalculation and non-transparency cannot be ignored in manual management. Thanks to the development of the fee management system. Parents and the school administrators gain a competitive advantage with this online fee payment method. 

Schools today are increasingly adopting the smart schooling technology and are able to reach higher levels of excellence. The fee management system is only a part of this technology. Schools not only save time but also involve few manpower, maintain transparency in fee collection, facilitate convenience to parents, and stay abreast with the latest in technology. 
•Keeps records of student registration
•Collects, stores, and retrieves student data
•Manages fee slips including storage and printouts
•Manages admission fee, tuition fee, transportation fee, and other accounts
•Options of fee via bank and cash fee
•Manages students’ paid, pending and balance fees
•Tracks closed and deleted bills
•Manages concessions and other optional fees
•Generates daily fee collection reports including consolidated daily/monthly/yearly reports
•Anytime anywhere online fee payment facilitated for parents
•Faster communication and networking between school administrators and parents.

Speaking about technical details of the fee management software, it is easy to use and can be handled by one who has the basic knowledge of computers. It is web based, comes with independent operating system, has centralized database storage, and works on all computers.

The online fee payment system can be well synchronized to the school’s organizational structure. Choose your smart schooling technology provider wisely. Come any technical emergency, your service provider should provide you support right away. Automated your fee collection department with online fee payment system and collect fees the smart, accurate, and faster way!

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